Helpline 0800 8000303
Parkinson’s UK website – packed with practical information including a list of regional singing groups and a helpful section on how to start a singing group.
Seated Exercise Class
This seated exercise class for people with Parkinson’s takes place at
Bexhill Leisure Centre, Downs Road, TN39 4HS, every Tuesday 12.30pm –
1.15pm. The cost is £3.00 per lesson.
Before attending, please contact Jas Gray
Tel: 07872525432
Email: 2020exercisereferral@gmail.com
Helpful Links
Parkinson Voice Project – Based in America this site offers a variety of news, articles and lectures (available online) about interesting developments with regard to Voice.
Research formal and informal into the benefits of singing for people with Parkinson’s
Potential Benefit of Singing for People with Parkinson’s Disease: A Systematic Review. – PubMed –
Parkinson’s Humor: Singing for Parkinson’s Disease
Singing improves speech of people with Parkinson’s
A good site to read about the benefits of singing